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“Hey Girl”: Top 3 ‘Cheeseball’ Social Media Prospecting Tactics to STOP Immediately (Plus, How to Start Getting REAL Results Instead!)

There’s an effective way to prospect on social media that attracts prospects to you, and there are a multitude of downright ‘cheeseball’ prospecting methods that will only pester, annoy, and perturb your potential recruits.

Sadly, most uplines aren’t “in the know,” and fail to recognize that social media prospecting is NOT traditional prospecting.

And most of what used to work offline, back in the pre-social media era, has gone the way of the dodo bird.

So, to keep you hip with the times, let’s explore three prospecting tactics you should STOP immediately, and then we’ll talk about the KEY to creating real social media influence…

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How to Succeed in Network Marketing by Growing an Social Media Audience

If you find yourself constantly distracted by the “next big thing,” and never focusing long enough to get any REAL results in your network marketing business, then you might be suffering from “Shiny Object Syndrome!”

If that sounds familiar, don’t fret!

There’s a proven cure to boosting your bottom line FAST, which we’ll discuss at length below, but first, let’s examine the nefarious nature of this malady that causes so many businesses to sputter and ultimately fail…

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How To Attract Prospects Who WANT to Hear About Your MLM Business!

We spent two years of striking up conversations with complete strangers, putting thousands of miles on our car, and doing countless home meetings…

Only to recruit two people.

Yes, two people in two years!

And here’s what we learned…

The problem with a lot of “traditional” network marketing methods is this:

Most of what’s being taught simply doesn’t work!

In fact, if you’re still following the advice of an old, out-of-touch upline, you might very well be…

Repelling people rather than attracting them to your business!

Luckily, we’ve got a solution…

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The Secret Mindset Hack of a Network Marketing Top Earner

You can have all the leads and prospects in the world…

But if you don’t fix the following three BIG mindset gaps, you will NEVER succeed in your network marketing business.

If that sounds harsh, believe me, we feel you, but trust us, if you don’t overcome these mindset gaps, you will continue to remain stuck, you won’t find the success you want, and you’ll end up sabotaging your business.

We don’t want that for you (…and neither do you!), so read on and discover how to overcome these mental blind spots NOW, and save yourself the blood, sweat, and tears of figuring these out the long, hard way.

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