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Four Steps to Maximize Productivity and Resourcefulness When Dealing with Financial Stress and Worry

Deal with stress to be successful at network marketing

Stress and worry can seriously impact your business…

Because it's extremely difficult to make effective decisions when you're emotionally exhausted.

This comes up over and over again, especially when people are dealing with the financial risks inherent in building their business.

Case in point: I keep seeing this in our community, especially with the brand new members navigating new ventures in uncertain times.

Often they frantically ask questions—in utter desperation mode—thinking they're asking for help, but in reality they're just emotionally lashing out, without providing any useful contextual information (which would allow us to actually help them solve their problems).

This, as you might have guessed, doesn't help anyone.

So how do you deal with the stress of your financial situation and be successful in your network marketing opportunity?

How do you stay productive in the face of adversity and how to you effectively ask for help?

These are critical skills you've got to develop if you want to succeed in business.

The following 4 steps will help.

First, you need to be in a positive state; or at least a state of calm.

Because you can't even think straight when you're emotionally agitated.

When you're negative, you don't have focus or clarity, so you can't ask effective questions or make sound decisions.

You can't have breakthroughs when you're in a negative emotional state!

Returning to the example above…

Members of our community are often frustrated by the challenges of advertising and they often lash out in a negative emotional state, asking this type of question…

“I don't know what's going on! My ads aren't working!”

And here's the thing…

This statement doesn't provide any information or data for someone to actually help them.

Basically, this type of question just lets the world know they're struggling emotionally.

And why would someone do that?

Well, the answer is simple…

It's because they aren't even thinking, because they honestly can't in that agitated state of mind.

Here's the thing, though, to be successful at network marketing or any type of business…

We have to train ourselves as entrepreneurs to deal with emotional stress

I’m sure many of you can relate to feeling this way.

It's common when we get started in business, because it's a brand new experience.

We're wide-eyed and overwhelmed, and that leads to a lot of negative emotions and reactions.

We’re scared because we don’t know what the heck we’re doing!

And that's nothing to be ashamed of; it happens to everyone at first.

You know, it's that whole “getting outside your comfort zone” thing.

But the bottom line is that when you're in a negative state and frantically asking for help, you unfortunately won't be able to get help you need.

Because if you want help, first you need to…

Say one of our team members is working with someone who's anxiously asking for help, saying their “ads aren't working.”

Obviously, there's no concrete information provided.

So then we have to say…

“Calm down. Please provide the information we need to know in order to help you.”

Which leads to a lengthy back-and-forth exchange of trying to get to the bottom of the issue, rather than an efficient conversation that immediately helps the situation.

This is not productive in any way!

Because in order to receive help, you have to provide the specific information—actual data!—that allows the people in our community to help you.

And in order to ask for help effectively, you need to be in a state where you can actually be calm and THINK.

The best way to calm your emotions?

Hands down the best way is through some sort of meditation.

Now, I'm not an ‘esoteric' guy, but I do see the value of meditation.

Meditation can help calm you down and bring you back into a positive state.

There are apps that you can download for your phone that provide a easy guided meditation.

Another option is prayer, if you're religious.

Prayer is a great way to meditate.

But there's a specific way to pray…

Most people pray in a way that is, truth be told, not effective.

Because they're just asking God for stuff.

Instead, it's much more helpful to pray for the things you're grateful for.

Pray for the things that are going right in your life!

Pray for the people in your life and just be thankful in your prayer that they're in your life.

Be grateful for what you have.

Focus on things that are positive!

Now, if you're not religious, and that's not resonating with you, Tony Robbins has a great gratitude meditation.

It's called “The Guided Reflection” or the “Emotional Flood” exercise.

You can go to YouTube right now and search for “Tony Robbins gratitude meditation,” and he'll take you through the process.

In this exercise you go from a negative state, a state of internal conflict, to a state of gratitude and joy.

It brings you back to a point where you can actually think and focus.

This is so important, and it reminds me of something I've taught before called…

“Walking with Death”

It's the ability Special Forces use to remain calm in a state of heightened pressure.

I mean situations where bullets are flying and people are dying.

How do you maintain your composure in that environment?

What soldiers have trained to do, especially in the Special Forces, is to already accept the fact that they might die.

They've accepted, and made peace with that idea, and then they go into battle.

If you're not afraid to die then you're not afraid, period.

Not to say that it's as easy as that, of course, but it's an advanced way of being able to deal with stress.

Most of us aren’t ready to deal with that level of stress.

A more attainable version would be simply bringing yourself into a state of calm (you know, forgetting about mortality for the time being).

So even if things aren't going right, you're able to physically feel calm.

To do this, it's essential that you…

You may be asking…

“How do I separate from stress? Especially if I have financial issues, or my spouse is negative, or I hate my job? How do I separate from those things?”

Well, you have to emotionally set those things aside and say…

“Okay, that's over here. I'll deal with that later. I have work to do.”

If you're not able to focus for one or two hours, then you're not going to be productive, and you won’t get the results you need.

When I was going through my journey in the beginning, I had an insane amount of financial stress.

I was sixty thousand dollars in debt

I was going through a foreclosure of my home, and I was living at home and almost lost my mom's house, as well, because I was also responsible for her mortgage.

Now even though that's all going on, I still had to be able to mentally set that aside and say…

“Okay, I need to focus.”

Luckily, I cultivated the ability to focus on the things I needed to do.

And a big part of this equation is being able to…

I never doubted myself.

I never doubted that I was going to succeed and breakthrough in this business.

And honestly, I believed that as much as I believed in God or anything spiritual in my life.

I believed with absolute certainty.

Not only are you going to need to find a way to remain calm, and emotionally separate yourself from the stuff that's not great in your life…

To be successful at network marketing…

You must find the unshakable belief that you CAN do this

Because without that belief it's going to be hard, even while being in a state of calm, for you to focus.

And hey, maybe your belief level is not quite there yet.

That's okay.

A simple thing to do is believe in something you're going to be doing in the future, which will be useful to you.

Develop the belief that you're going to generate your first commission, that first sale, or speak to that first prospect.

Develop the belief that you can at least do that.

Believe you can accomplish the next step!

Maybe you’re not in a place where you can believe that you're going to be a multi-millionaire.

That's okay.

And maybe that's not even your goal.

Maybe you have other goals that are more important to you—that's fine.

But at least believe you can achieve the next level of success.

Whatever that looks like for you.

When you're bringing yourself to the state of calm, the pressure of having to make a bunch money can be too much.

So the only thing you have to worry about is doing enough to get to that next level of success.

My friend Ray Higdon mentioned something to me, which has to do with how you see yourself now.

He says…

“What's in your bank account or what's in your financial books, that reflects a PAST version of you. It doesn't reflect who you are.”

If you can believe that, then you can accomplish some pretty amazing things.

It's another way to bring yourself to a state of calm, so you can get the job done, and do the things you need to do.

Remember, step one is to do whatever is necessary to…

Bring yourself to a state of calm

I know exercise and martial arts were part of the equation for me.

You need to set aside some time just for you—where you can forget everything else in the world.

If you don't have a lot of time then simple meditation exercises can help.

Find out what works for you!

Again, you must be able to:

  • Bring yourself to a state of calm
  • Ask for help in a clear, concise way
  • Set your problems aside and focus on being productive
  • Believe that you’re going to succeed with your next level of success

By following these steps…

You can put your stress aside and be more productive

Now, are you ready to take some of the stress, anxiety, and worry out of building your business by focusing on taking EXACTLY what steps you need to succeed…and none you don't?

If so, then I highly recommend you sign up for my FREE Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

It's a video course where I'll walk you through how to build your business using the latest technologies—where prospects come to you on a daily basis—already interested in what you've got!

You can take advantage of these methods starting today—no matter how much (or little) online prospecting and recruiting experience you have currently.

This is, by far, the most efficient way to build your business today.

If you are committed to taking action, I know this could easily be the thing that helps you have a breakthrough in your business.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.


Ferny Ceballos
Author of the Attraction Marketing Formula
CMO, Elite Marketing Pro


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