Written by Matt Baran | Filed under Traffic
If you’re a network marketer using Facebook ads to reach your potential prospects, then you know costs are rising.
So to help you understand and deal with this reality, let’s look back a couple of years to see what’s causing Facebook to become more expensive.
In 2008, when Facebook first introduced advertising…
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Written by Matt Baran | Filed under Attraction Marketing
Targeting is one of the primary factors which cause your Facebook ads to succeed or fail.
Now, it goes without saying that the quality of your ad has a huge impact.
You must have a compelling headline, image, and description to catch your potential prospects’ attention as they’re scrolling through their busy News Feed.
But think about this…
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Written by Matt Baran | Filed under Attraction Marketing
After thousands of hours of critiquing the Facebook campaigns of our students here at Elite Marketing Pro…
I’ve seen over and over again what works and what doesn’t.
And while some students quickly start kicking butt with their ads, others struggle and don’t seem to grasp why they aren’t finding the same success.
Frankly, you start noticing predictable patterns when you’ve been doing this stuff long enough.
And I’ve identified five factors that make ALL the difference between being a successful affiliate and an unsuccessful affiliate on Facebook.
Now, you’re going to be kind of surprised, because it’s not going to be as simple as…
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Written by Matt Baran | Filed under Traffic
Are you a network marketer without a big advertising budget?
Don’t fret!
Because it can be a lot more affordable (and profitable) than you ever imagined to run paid advertising today.
Leveraging Facebook’s ad platform is, by far, the quickest way to automate and scale your business to six- and seven-figures.
Now, there are three types of ads you should ALWAYS be running.
Contrary to what some ‘gurus’ teach…
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Written by Matt Baran | Filed under Traffic
Five years ago, it was easy to gain trust on the Internet.
People would blindly opt into bare bones capture pages, they would buy from websites that weren’t professional looking, and as long as you said the right things, you were set.
No more.
So, with that in mind…
Here are nine tested and proven strategies to increase your traffic and boost your conversions specifically by getting your ducks in a row and conducting yourself like a legitimate business owner.
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