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The ONE Thing You Need to Focus On

no excuses summit

While sitting at the No Excuses Summit in Vegas this year I had the following epiphany…

I’m watching all the amazing speakers come up and share truly some of their most valuable marketing and money-making secrets. Strategies that are making them a lot of money. Hundreds of Thousands per year. And some even Millions.


There’s a problem.

For a new person it’s like drinking from a firehose.

There’s Facebook, YouTube, blogging, list-building, conversions, sales funnels, selling physical products, and lots more. It can drive anyone crazy, trying to master all of it.

13.supplemental_400x400_1Learning all this at the same time can be frustrating, confusing, and overwhelming. And this leads to a state of inaction.

So here’s the good news…

You do NOT need to master all of them.

Quite simply, this business is all about…

Traffic & Conversions

You need to get traffic. You need to get prospects on your list. And you need to make them an offer.

3 things:

  1. Traffic
  2. Email list
  3. Offer

If you’re just starting online, or haven’t had big results YET, you need to keep things very simple.

First you need to promote a good affiliate product.

Like any one of the products in the Elite Marketing Pro system, for example. :)

You can promote EMP, Attraction Marketing Formula, or any of the other offers we have on blogging, email, video, copywriting, etc… (you’ve got access to over a dozen offers as an affiliate.)

Pick one and there’s your offer. Boom, done!

13.supplemental_400x400_3Next, your list. I highly recommend you start building your own list. ASAP.

Why? Because it allows you to brand yourself by building a relationship with your audience.

And this will help you get more sales over time.

For this, you’ll need to have your own autoresponder (like AWeber) and integrate it with your capture page. You can build one quickly with a capture page builder which comes included with the EMP system.

Again, I highly recommend you do this.

However…if you’re just starting, and want to start making money as quickly as possible, you'd be smart to skip this step. For now, anyway.

Here's why…

The EMP system actually does all the follow-up automatically for you, helping you maximize your sales and your commissions.

Now it doesn’t build your brand or create a connection between YOU and your leads (which is why I strongly recommend creating your own list) … but to get things cranking quickly, it works like gangbusters.

Okay, we’ve got our offer. We have our capture page, and all the follow-up already built-in.

Next you need start driving traffic to the offer you picked.

And here’s the thing…

You only need to get good at ONE traffic source to make money.

13.supplemental_400x400_4Let me say this again…

You only need to get good at ONE traffic source to make money.

There are plenty of people in our business who are making a solid six-figure income using just ONE traffic strategy.

Just one way to drive traffic is all you need to master. After you do, and you get results, then you can move on to other methods, if you choose.

Isn’t this great news?

All you need to do is focus on getting good at ONE thing.

And that is driving traffic.

Now, you do have a “menu” of options to choose from…

You can drive traffic with Facebook, by targeting people who are your most likely-to-buy prospects, and place ads in their Facebook Newsfeeds. You can also do the same with native videos on Facebook.

We have leaders in our community making over $100,000 a month just with Facebook, like “power couple” Bill and Michelle Pescosolido.

In fact, this year at the No Excuses Summit, Bill Pescosolido revealed his tactics to influence prospects, and Michelle shared how she generated a 236% ROI with “Native” Advertising on Facebook.

13.supplemental_400x400_2You can also run paid YouTube ads. (That means paying to get your videos shown.)

We recently did a webinar with a super-affiliate who uses “cartoony” instream video ads to make multiple six-figures in affiliate commissions. (By the way this training is available in the EMP back office.)

Kate and Andrew McShea are also well-known for absolutely exploding their business with video marketing through “little different” teaser videos—generating up to 162 leads in a single day.

Next, you can blog. Create content and simply post it to a blog. You can simply share your posts on social media and you can also promote your blog posts on Facebook.

Ray Higdon, one of the top leaders in our industry is making well over $2,000,000 a year just from his blog, using a super-simple “ILT” strategy.

So there you have it.

A number of ways you can start getting traffic. And there are a number of other strategies to get even more traffic.

But the important thing to remember is this… you need to master just ONE.

Pick one that you like, one that resonates with you and focus on that. Look at what the people who are having success with this one strategy are doing, and do THAT.

13.supplemental_400x400_5By the way, every one of these strategies has been covered inside our Elite Marketing Pro community. And you have access to a wealth of knowledge on our blog already.

You just need to make the decision to learn it and… this is a biggie… actually DO IT.

Take one strategy and implement it.

Write a blog post.

Launch a Facebook campaign.

Do a video and promote it.

Pick just ONE of these and do it.

Today. Not tomorrow; right now.

And I GUARANTEE you this will be the quickest path for you to start making money online.

Just Do It!

…and if you'd like to discover more of our proven strategies for driving traffic, setting up your own email list, and creating a rock-solid connection between YOU and your leads, sign up for this free 10-day crash course in online recruiting.


See you next time,
Vitaly Grinblat


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Vitaly Grinblat